Install R Package from .tar.gz
To Install an R Packages from a .tar.gz File
In General
Enter at the R prompt
> library(blockTools, repos = "blockTools_0.6-2.tar.gz")
In case that doesn't work, ...'
On a Mac
- (Make sure you have installed Xcode from the Mac App Store, and
installed the command line tools from within Xcode.)
- Close R
- Download the tar.gz onto the Desktop
- Open the Terminal application
- Enter "R CMD INSTALL Desktop/[pkg.tar.gz]" without the quotation
marks, where [pkg.tar.gz] is the full filename of the tar.gz (such
as "blockTools_0.5-7.tar.gz")
- Open R
- Enter at the R prompt
> library(blockTools)
Then, you can check that you have installed the desired version using
> sessionInfo()
On a PC
See the instructions